Sarimah [2001]

Artis : Sarimah Ibrahim
Album : Sarimah
Genre : Pop
Keluaran : P&C 2001, EMI (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Edaran : EMI (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Code Album : 724353734022

Penerbit Eksekutif : Positivetone

Fotografi : Simon Chin & Jen Siow
Mastering : CL Toh (Mastering One)
Studio Rakaman : Synchrosound Studios
Suara Latar : Lady D & La (VE)

Senarai Lagu :
  1. Now That You're Gone
  2. Damai
  3. It's Alright
  4. Dia
  5. Ku Pun Rindu
  6. You Told Me
  7. Sunshine
  8. Nyanyikanlah (Apa Saja)
  9. Kini Kau Tiada
  10. Sampai


  1. Been looking for this CD for many years but no luck. Any chance you still have this album for download in 320kbps MP3 format? Thanks in advance!

  2. apsal perlu watermark? mat saleh xda pun nak watermark bagai?

  3. Hi. Would you be willing to sell the CD to me? If it's still in good condition and for a reasonable price, that is. I wish to add it to my CD collection and the only copy I have now is in cassette format.


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